If you are like most parents, then you have probably heard of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the effects it has on a child’s behavior. There is a definite difference between an energetic child and a child that has ADHD. The only way to know for sure if your child has this condition is by getting them checked out by clinical neuropsychology professionals. If it is confirmed a child has this disorder, then you may be given medication to regulate their behavior. Read below to find out more about this medication and the effects it can have on your child.
Every Child Responds to This Medication Differently
When putting your child on ADHD medication, clinical neuropsychology professionals will tell you about the various effects it could have. You need to understand that every child will respond to these drugs differently. While some children see dramatic improvements in their ability to concentrate, others will see no change at all.
It may take a few tries before you are able to find the right ADHD medication for your child. Working closely with the profession prescribing this medication is important when trying to avoid serious side effects.
Medication Is More Effective When Using It With Other Treatments
Some parents fail to realize using the ADHD medication with other treatments is the best way to get results. While the medication will help a child, teaching them things like new coping mechanisms is also important. The clinical neuropsychology professionals who perform the ADHD evaluation will be able to give you some suggestions on other treatments to try.
The Right Amount of Sleep is Helpful
When attempting to get your child’s ADHD under control, you will need to get serious about their sleep. Setting a regular bedtime and eliminating any noise in the room can do wonders when it comes to a child focusing during the day.
Visit Dr. Joshua Shifrin’s website or give him a call at 123-966-0309 for information on the ADHD evaluations he can provide. With his help, you can get your child the treatments they need to live with this condition. You can also follow them on Twitter for more updates.