What is a Knee Doctor and What Conditions Do They Treat in Green Bay, WI?

by | Apr 4, 2024 | Pain Management

Are you considering getting knee pain treatment in Green Bay, WI? Your knees are made up of a system of bones and soft tissue. As you get old or after trauma, you can end up experiencing knee pain when you walk or otherwise put pressure on your knee. In this article we will cover “what is a knee doctor and what conditions do they treat”?

What is a Knee Doctor and What Conditions Do They Treat in Green Bay, WI?

A knee doctor, or an orthopedic physician, is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, particularly of the knee. The musculoskeletal system includes the bones, joints, cartilage, muscles, and tendons.

Common Knee Conditions

A fracture refers to a break in the knee bone or the connecting bones. It can happen when the knee experiences trauma. A doctor will perform an X-ray to diagnose a fracture. Most fractures will require surgery.

Sprain Or Strain
A sprain is an injury related to the ligaments and joints, while a strain is an injury associated with the muscles and tendons. Sprains and strains can create a lot of pain, but they generally aren’t as painful as a fracture. You may or may not require surgery. Some sprains and strains can be treated with physical therapy.

Unlike sprains and strains, arthritis develops over time. The soft tissue in the knee becomes inflamed. The inflamed soft tissue has no place to expand, creating pain. Arthritis may require physical therapy and medication. Severe cases may require surgery.

If you need knee pain treatment in Green Bay, WI, contact QC Kinetix (Ashwaubenon). View Testimonial.

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