What is Independent Learning, and How Can it Benefit Your Child?

by | Oct 27, 2023 | education

One thing that COVID-19 taught is that learning and work can be done away from the classroom and office. Independent learning is an autonomous learning system where the learner takes complete control and ownership of their learning experience. Thus, the learner can set their learning goals, create a curriculum, and allocate time to meet their learning agendas.

With numerous incredible resources for learning and tutorials found on the internet, it comes as no shock that independent learning is drastically gaining popularity. Independent learning is slowly becoming a preferred learning technique because it is student-centered. Education experts identified some benefits of the Independent learning program in Bullhead City, AZ.

Increased Motivation

When students take more ownership and responsibility for their learning, they are more motivated to complete a learning task. Classwork and homework no longer feel like a burden because they get to choose the subject and scope of learning. They become more confident in the subject. This, in turn, will lead to better student performance.

Drives the Independent Mindset

The dream of every teacher, parent, and guardian is to have a student who takes initiative in their work. Unlike other teaching methods, studies have shown that an independent learning program in Bullhead City, AZ, is more likely to create independent minds who are more resilient, organized, and disciplined. Resilient because an independent learner will seek out the solution when faced with a challenge. They will be better at time-keeping and be more proactive and independent.

Conclusively, independent learning will not only build a learner’s cognitive skills but also help the learner identify individual interests and create a sense of confidence.

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