This is something of a trick question since its asking gives you no real clue as the size and type of vehicle that we are talking about. Maybe it is nothing more than a regular size pickup that only needs a fairly basic road tire that is basically the same as those found on an SUV or even a largish sedan? Or, it could be one of those massive, 18 wheeler, tractor trailer rigs which, obviously, do require something a little more
They Must Suit The Wheel Size, Type Of Vehicle And The Purpose For Which It Is being Driven
Even a small pickup; if it spends most of its time being driven off road will use a tire that is different from that fitted to the same make and model vehicle that is only used for lightweight deliveries around the city. Naturally, when it comes to the really big monsters; the very size of their wheels becomes a special requirement that may not be so readily available unless you go to dealers who specialize in the very large, heavy duty type of tire.
Not Only Do You Have To Find Them; You Also Need A dealer Who Can Actually Fit Them
Once you have found somebody who actually carries the size and type you need and have chosen the brand and decided where to make the purchase; unless you are a big fleet operator, they won’t be much use to you until fitted onto the wheels of your particular vehicle. Again, this will not present big problems with a small pickup but will be really heavy duty work on a huge rig with really large wheels and massive body weight.
First of all, the vehicles body weight must be taken off the wheel – usually by jacking up the vehicle until the wheel in question is clear of the ground; then, the wheel nuts can be undone and the whole thing taken off in readiness for the next step. Which is to remove the tire from the wheel; this can be done manually but is usually done on a special machine. The same applies to getting the replacement back on to the wheel. It can then be inflated; but, the wheel then needs to be rebalanced before returning it to the vehicle. Big heavy vehicles obviously require suitably heavy duty equipment for all of this.
On top of the stock of Truck Tires For Chicago; the dealer must also make a noticeable investment in such specialized equipment. Established dealers like Wilrae Inc. have done just this in order to serve you better. Visit website for information.