If you have pain in your feet or your heels, you might visit a podiatrist. They are going to examine your feet and ask you about your symptoms. After they evaluate your feet, they may ask you what makes your symptoms worse and what makes your symptoms better. They are also going to look at your feet to identify deformities. Once abnormalities have been identified, they might recommend custom orthotic inserts.
Your doctor may ask you to walk around the room or engage in other activities to find out how your ankles and feet are positioned. Some have imaging pads that allow you to walk while the imaging pad shows the way your feet are striking the ground. This helps to identify the types of problems you have in the structure of your feet and their function.
Some of the imaging they might recommend includes MRIs, x-rays, and bone scans. All of this can help identify parts of the foot where there has been injury, arthritis, or damage. Based on the information the doctor is able to gather from a variety of diagnostic methods, they will make treatment recommendations that typically could include custom orthotic inserts.
There are several conditions that orthotics can address, ranging from back pain to bunions to flat feet. Some people only need general orthotics. Others, especially those who have positional issues with their feet or legs, may benefit from custom orthotics.
Learn how we offer affordable and noninvasive ways to address common foot issues at Arcus Orthotics by visiting our website at .