What Sort Of Pests Inhabit Elk Grove In Sacramento County California?

by | Nov 3, 2015 | Pest Control

Strictly speaking, a pest can be anything or anyone that becomes a nuisance and annoys us. Pests are not normally associated with things that can hurt us badly or even kill us. Discovering and dealing with a venomous snake in your home is not really what Pest Control In Elk Grove is all about. Neither is it about dealing with those neighbors that pester you with their loud music or other anti-social habits.

Common Pests
These come mainly from the insect world but will also include some rodents; microscopic bugs and possibly some birds. Pest Control In Elk Grove area is more about removing these from your house or business premises and stopping their return than it is about stopping the things that are damaging the roses in your garden.

In the natural order of things, all these pests would be outside in the wild performing their part in the ecological system. To do that, they have to eat and drink; which is why, over the years, they have learnt that most human habitations are a good source of sustenance for them and their companions. It’s not that we humans are a particularly messy crowd leaving food scraps all over our homes (possibly we were when we lived in caves but we have tidied up our act since then). However, to (say) an ant, a bread crumb on the kitchen floor can be a sizeable meal and those little globules of water on the surface around the kitchen sink will seem like a desert oasis to a small insect.

The same applies to the likes of cockroaches; whereas others; such as silverfish, are not only attracted to human food but can also thrive on many of our belongings (books, newspapers, soft furnishings, etc). Rats and mice come to stay at our homes for much the same reasons but being bigger, they need larger amounts of scraps – they may forage out of doors and then return inside to their nests.

If not for their webs, spiders would not be viewed as pests since they only come in to prey on your other unwelcome visitors. On the other hand, termites and other wood boring insects are a major pest that only wants to eat or damage your structural and decorative woodwork (although they will also settle for paper).

Pest Control In Elk Grove is a threefold affair:-
1. preventing the pests from entering in the first place
2. exterminating or removing any that do gain entry
3. preventing their return.

An average householder can do part of this for themselves but probably lacks the knowledge and materials to do a complete job. For total success, they will usually call in the experts from companies like APEX Pest Control INC. who have been eliminating pests for over 30 years.

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