What to Expect From a Reputable Waxing in Kona Aesthetician

by | Sep 15, 2015 | Plastic Surgery

You’re off to your first Waxing In Kona and very nervous. Hot wax will be spread on your delicate skin and then ripped off with a strip of paper that takes all the hair with it. This is something that requires a professional, but professionals need to follow some standards. A reputable aesthetician will do the following to guarantee safe waxing:

Health Test

An excellent aesthetician will do a health test. This might be a simple questionnaire that you fill out before the waxing begins. It is important because your body will react to the wax and the beating it takes from ripping the strips off, and your health play a big part in that. If you are sensitive to bruises, you might bruise more. If you have diabetes, you might bleed more. All of your health problems go into consideration and your aesthetician might select a different type of wax to make the process better for you.

Test the Wax

The wax needs to be a certain temperature to work properly. It has to be hot enough to melt to that sticky goop, but not so hot that it will burn the skin. Many aestheticians leave a pot of hot wax next to the table and don’t always pay attention to the temperature as long as it looks sticky enough. This is bad for you if the wax is too hot. It will burn. A reputable aesthetician will check the temperature of the wax before beginning, even if they have to test it on their own skin first.

No Double Dipping

The aesthetician uses a wooden stick to slather the wax on the skin. They dip it in the wax and then spread it on the area they plan to wax. They then repeat the process in a new area. A great aesthetician will use a new stick for every area. They won’t use the same stick and keep dipping it in the wax. Why? Running that wax on your skin with the stick will pick up bacteria. That bacteria isn’t going to die in the hot wax because it’s not hot enough. Using the same stick means the bacteria goes right back to your body but in a new area.

Fore more information on Waxing in Kona, check out David K. Hiranaka, M.D., D.M.D. You can also like them on Facebook.

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