What to Know about Performing Tile Maintenance in Burnsville, MN

by | Nov 9, 2020 | Tools and Equipment

Tile can be a great addition to any home’s decor as it can add a sense of elegance and sophistication to almost any room. However, with this beauty also comes quite a bit of maintenance, depending on the type of tile you have. If you are wondering how to keep your tile looking lovely for a long time, here’s what you should know about tile maintenance.

Do What is Obvious

Just like with any other flooring, you must make sure you are performing basic cleaning by sweeping up debris, dirt, et cetera on a daily basis. Furthermore, if you make a mess or spill liquid, cleaning it up promptly will help to prevent staining.

Specialty Stone Tiles

Certain tiles that are a natural stone, such as marble, benefit less from traditional sweeping with a broom. In order to maintain these particular tiles, it is best to use a dust mop to remove dust and smaller debris. When you are ready to give these tiles a deep cleaning, make sure you stay away from acid-based cleaners as they can deteriorate the stone.

Spot Clean as Needed

Regardless of what type of tiles you have, tackling small stains as soon as they occur is the best form of tile maintenance. When you spot clean, you are helping to maintain the integrity of your tiles by treating the area before it has time to settle.

When you are deciding on what type of tiles to get, consider where you will be placing them and how much traffic that area gets. Reserve marble floors for areas that are least used, and use a sturdier material for kitchens, bathrooms, et cetera.

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