One of the most difficult job descriptions to define is that of a financial controller in Colorado. This job title is so hard to define because it encompasses a variety of different jobs, including finance strategy, leadership, and accounting.
Not only that, but as with most other jobs in today’s workforce, the duties of a financial controller are constantly evolving.
What Is a Financial Controller?
The quickest way to describe what a financial controller at places such as Denver Accounting does would be to state that they are the head accountant. These people are responsible for overseeing all aspects of a company’s accounting.
They also are in charge of keeping the leaders up to date to show how money comes in and goes out of specific companies. Other responsibilities include sales tax reporting, CPA audits, federal income tax reporting, and more.
Difference Between Controller and Accountant
Knowing what a financial controller in Colorado is involves understanding the difference between a controller and an accountant. As we mentioned previously, the controller is the head accountant. They are very involved in a company’s accounting process. However, they are not just accountants, especially if they are members of a larger financial team.
Accountants are in charge of recording financial data for a company. They keep records in the form of ledgers that show how the money goes in and out of the company. Controllers can also do that, but they are more focused on ensuring that the recorded information is correct, follows the rules, and is entered on time. It is up to the controller to address any discrepancies in the ledgers.