What You Should Know About Zinc Alkaline Plating

by | Apr 10, 2017 | Metals & Alloys

If you’re a mechanical technician, you’re likely on the lookout for any way you can protect the components you assemble and use on a regular basis. After all, these parts are incredibly vulnerable! This is by nature of them being sensitive metals. Due to the environment they will be placed in, they are susceptible to being overloaded by heat and electricity—two of the leading causes of corrosion. This is the worst case scenario for mechanical professionals, which is why there are solutions in place to prevent this problem.

The Process of Zinc Alkaline Plating

Zinc alkaline plating is one solution that should prove quite reliable. Zinc alkaline plating is known for its sleek, modern finish. You won’t have to worry about big, unwieldy plating to contend with, as this particular alloy is designed to apply smoothly while still creating an even coat.

When you use zinc alkaline plating, you essentially will be dipping your components in question into a special metal solution. This solution will ultimately harden into a type of protective coating, meant to shield your components from the very operational aspects that usually cause them harm.

How Is Zinc Alkaline Plating Beneficial?

In addition to its evenness, zinc alkaline plating is remarkably resilient! Studies show it can withstand a multitude of temperatures and hazards with no damage. In fact, it has been labelled specifically as “zero-stress,” or virtually immune to the effects of electricity, pressure and other hazards.

Furthermore, some types of zinc alkaline plating even feature self-repair aspects. This all comes down to the finish of the plating. It can be affixed with a special solution designed to help the plating heal itself should it suffer any bit of damage.

Ultimately, zinc alkaline plating is one of the most reliable forms of protection you can order for your mechanical components.

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