When Should Children Visit a Pediatric Dental Office in Gainesville, VA?

by | May 14, 2015 | Dentistry

Parents know to take their child to the pediatrician during the first year of life to ensure they are growing and developing properly and to obtain the necessary vaccinations. Many parents, however, question when they should take their child in for pediatric dental in Gainesville VA, for the first time, and quite a few are surprised to learn they should do this before the child turns one. The goal is to get the child accustomed to visiting the dentist and to show parents how to brush and care for their teeth.

Some experts state a parent may put this first visit off until the age of two if the child gives up his or her nighttime feedings and doesn’t use a bottle during the day either. There is a great deal of disagreement about this, leading many to stick with the one-year rule to be on the safe side. Once the child reaches the age of two, he or she needs to go in for pediatric dental every six months, the same as older children and adults do. X-rays typically aren’t taken until between the ages of four and six.

Between the ages of six and 12, the dentist will focus on prevention, as this is when permanent teeth begin to emerge. Many dentists now recommend a sealant, which is a plastic resin designed to bond to the tooth to protect the chewing surfaces. Typically, this is done between the ages of seven and nine. Most will put sealants on molars because they are most prone to decay. The resin in the sealant works to prevent bacteria from sitting in the valleys and grooves of the teeth.

The key to successful pediatric dental in Gainesville VA, is to brush twice daily and floss every day. Regular checkups are required, and your child will undergo an orthodontic evaluation at about the age of seven. Although teenagers typically get braces, the orthodontist looks at jaw growth to determine any skeletal reasons for misaligned teeth. Don’t put these checkups off, as you want your child to have good oral health. It is tied to good overall health, so this is one task every parent must complete.

Find more about pediatric dental

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