When Should You Talk with a Dog Bite Attorney in Tucson, AZ?

by | May 17, 2022 | Attorney

Dog bites can be especially devastating especially if the bite occurs in the face, neck, or hands. The animal’s sharp teeth can easily puncture the skin and go deep into the underneath layers causing extensive and disfiguring injuries. This type of injury often requires advanced medical care and a longer healing time. Learn when you should talk with a dog bite attorney in Tucson, AZ.

Ideally, Contact an Attorney Right Away & Seek Medical Treatment

After a dog bite, the dog owner is usually held responsible if the dog was not properly contained with a leash or fenced enclosure. This kind of incident often ends up in a lawsuit if the dog owner denies culpability for the dog act. It is best to contact an attorney as soon after the event as is feasibly and safely possible. You should also seek medical treatment for the bite at your local doctor’s office or emergency room.

Steps May Need to Be Taken Legally if There Is a Dangerous Dog on the Loose

Often, an irresponsible dog owner will not ensure that their dog is kept in a secured area if they are not with them. This means that a dangerous dog could be loose in the neighborhood possibly putting the dog at a higher risk of biting again after the first one. This is one reason to sue the dog owner especially if there are young kids in the area that could be harmed.

Call a Dog Bite Attorney from Tucson, AZ

Contact a local attorney for legal advice.

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