Where to Take Your Pets for Gentle & Effective Teeth Cleaning

by | Mar 14, 2019 | Animal health

There are many components to providing exceptional care for your loyal and loving pets. Knowing what types of food, exercise, toys and other pet related care items are recommended by vets for your specific and unique pet breed, size and type is important to ensure that they stay safe, healthy and happy. Caring for your pet’s teeth is essential to avoid serious dental problems in the future. Providing healthy nutrition and the right dog treats and chew toys can also keep your pet’s vulnerable teeth better protected from harm. Pet owners can now get reliable and gentle animal teeth cleaning near Logan Square and surrounding areas.

It can be difficult for many pet owners to adequately clean their pet’s teeth. All reputable veterinary practices generally offer some type of dental cleaning for dogs, cats and other animals. As pets age, their teeth can become worn, broken and tender. Serious infections can cause the mouth, gums and other structures to become inflamed, tender and painful. Dental cavities and other dental issues can cause serious pain, and it can be dangerous for pet owners to attempt this task alone without the proper sedation, equipment and training. There is professional animal teeth cleaning that Logan Square pets and owners can smile about.

It is often necessary to sedate anxious pets or animals in pain due to dental problems prior to performing a thorough dental exam and/or cleaning of the teeth. Many pet owners are relieved to turn this task over to professionals able to keep their pets comfortable during the process. The Portage Park Animal Hospital & Dental Clinic can also perform dental repairs. New pet owners can learn more about the proper method for animal teeth cleaning. Logan Square area residents with pets can read more at .

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