Traditionally getting hair on your body removed cosmetically has meant either enduring the ripping agony of waxing strips or the stinging cost of laser treatments. For many people, men and women, young and old, there is often a lot of debate over which is the better method. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons for both and see if there is a clear winner.
Waxing: Painful But Cheaper Than Laser
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of different brands and variations on the principle techniques behind waxing, but it all boils down to the same concept. It involves a warmed-up, waxy substance that is used to grip the hairs, which are then ripped simultaneously from the skin. The goal of course is to remove the root along with the hair in the process, which results in a longer regrowth time than shaving.
The two biggest advantages that waxing has is that it can be fairly cheap and convenient, especially given that many companies produce do-it-yourself at home waxing kits. The biggest downsides to waxing though are that it does not eliminate the follicles. This means that the hair will regrow eventually, which means you will continually have to go through the painful procedure to get rid of unwanted hair.
Laser Hair Removal: A Little More Expensive Than Waxing but Much Better Results
With laser hair removal, a focused form of light is used to destroy the hairs and damage the follicles. The lasers used will be FDA approved, and if you go to a good clinic that is highly reputable, they will most likely use state of the art equipment and procedures such as EpiLight. Typical treatments are scheduled about once a month or so, and can take four to six months before lasting results are seen. Laser treatments can remove hair from anywhere on the body, with the number of treatments needed depending on the person’s skin and hair tones.
The biggest advantage that comes from laser hair removal is the fact that if the hair does regrow, it takes longer and it typically comes back less noticeable and is easier to deal with. The only downside to this method is that it can be the most expensive form of hair removal. There is a little discomfort with the procedure because the light does generate heat, but most people agree it is significantly less painful than waxing. Laser hair removal in Cincinnati, OH, is clearly the better option.
If laser hair removal in Cincinnati, OH is something that interests you, check out the Anderson Cosmetic & Vein Institute to get further information.