Who Can Apply for Disability Benefits in Halifax, VA?

by | Jul 14, 2020 | Legal Services

For people who are no longer able to work due to a chronic condition or an accident that last lasting repercussions, it is possible to apply for Disability in Halifax. Understanding the basic qualifications before submitting an application will provide a good idea of what to expect. Here are some of the factors that will influence the chances for being able to claim those benefits.

Inability to Work and Earn an Income

People who are no longer able to work in their field and earn enough to live on without assistance have a good chance of qualifying for Disability Benefits in Halifax, VA. While it is possible to work part-time, there is a cap on the amount of earnings the individual can generate each month. A disability attorney can advise the client of how much income can be earned and still be in compliance with the standards. For people with conditions that prevent them from taking on even a part-time job, the chances of being approved for benefits is even greater.

The Nature of the Condition

The Social Security Administration maintains a listing of health conditions that are considered debilitating enough to qualify for disability benefits. The presence of one or more of those conditions will improve the chances for approval. This is especially true if the condition in question is likely to continue for a period of more than twelve consecutive months.

Medical Proof of the Condition

Being able to provide statements from recognized health care providers are part of the criteria for being able to receive disability benefits. Specific forms are used for this purpose and the information provided by the primary care physician and any specialists the applicant is currently seeing will go a long way in helping with the process. Until the individual is evaluated by those medical professionals and are of the opinion that the benefits are deserved, there is little to no chance of the application receiving any real attention.

For people who do believe they are no longer able to work and support themselves, it makes sense to contact Cunningham Law Group. Seeking legal advice before filing a claim will make it easier to ensure the application is accurate and complete. If the first application is rejected, the legal counsel can take care of representing the interests of the client at a hearing and hopefully secure the desired benefits.

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