In the past, it was possible for folks in Baltimore and the DC areas to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy without having to hire an attorney. The process for bankruptcy used to be a lot simpler. There were computer programs that can fill in and print out all of the forms that were needed to file for chapter 7. At the bankruptcy hearing, consumers can represent themselves without an attorney. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible. It is necessary for consumers to hire bankruptcy lawyers in Baltimore in order to successfully file for chapter 7 today. In 2005, Congress passed new bankruptcy reform legislation that increased the complexity of the typical chapter 7 bankruptcy. There are a lot of new requirements that consumers have to meet in order to successfully file for bankruptcy. It is nearly impossible to meet all of the new requirements for filing chapter 7 without the assistance of legal counsel.
bankruptcy lawyers in Baltimore are there to help clients meet all requirements for successfully chapter 7 bankruptcy. Attorneys need to make sure that clients qualify for chapter 7. For example, there are income requirements that need to be met. If the client makes too much money, it may be necessary to file for chapter 13 bankruptcy instead. There are a number of other requirements that need to be met to qualify for a chapter 7 filling. Those who are eligible to file for bankruptcy have to meet a number of other requirements. For example, it is necessary to submit a lot of financial information to ensure that there is no way to avoid bankruptcy. Another requirement that needs to be met is to take a consumer counseling course. The lawyers are there to make sure that clients meet all requirements prior to meeting with the trustee.
At the hearing with the bankruptcy trustee, the client as well as the lawyer needs to be present in case the trustee has any questions or issues that need to be addressed prior to approving the chapter 7 bankruptcy filing. Because of the new additional requirements, it is more likely that there are problems that need to be resolved. Eventually, most people are successful with their chapter 7 filings with the help of their attorneys.