Why Choose Plastic Blast Media?

by | Apr 19, 2022 | Business Services

While metal abrasives remain popular, many companies and institutions such as the military, are choosing plastic blast media. They realize the advantages of not only the product but how it helps their maintenance process and bottom line.

The Advantages of Using Plastic Blast Media

Using plastic blasting media is finding favor among many companies for a variety of reasons. They consider it:

  1. Environmentally responsible: Plastic abrasives are reusable
  2. Safe: Lacking the toxic nature of chemicals and having little dust, plastic blast media is safer for workers to use
  3. Cost-Effective: It is economical to remove paint using this method because it can be reused
  4. Versatile: It can remove impurities on several materials including aluminum and steel
  5. Gentle: It removes coatings and strips surfaces of components without causing damage such as warping, pitting, or marring
  6. Smooth: The surface is stripped smooth allowing for a new coating or paint job to be applied

Maintenance personal responsible for parts and other critical components of machines particularly love plastic blast media because it works right the first time and can be reused and then recycled.

Industries Using Plastic Blasting

One of the strongest early adopters for using plastic media blasting was the military. It used it to replace the toxic and environmentally problematic chemical strippers utilized to strip the paint from aircraft components. Since then, other industries and companies have found it to be an excellent way to not only economically remove paint but also to clean, deburr, and deflash components. Plus, certain companies got their plastic media blast MIL-Spec certified and now other industries use those products.
Among them are:

• Automotive
• Electronics
• Aviation

These industries and others are reaping the advantages of choosing plastic blast media.

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