To enhance your smile without taking any drastic measures (such a tooth extraction), you should learn more about crowns, also called caps. The caps that a dentist uses on the teeth are made of three basic materials or in three different ways. Making a choice will depend on each cap’s unique characteristics.
Types of Crowns That Are Used
Dental crowns in Roseburg, OR are made completely of metal, ceramic, or porcelain fused to metal (PFM). If pays to know how each of these crowns differs so you know what to expect after you receive a specific crown. For example, an all-metal crown is made of a metal such as a silver-hued alloy or gold. A crown made of all-metal features a long life and exceptional strength. This type of crown is often placed in the back of the mouth.
Get More Information Now
You can begin your inquiry when you visit the site that details the materials used and the placement of crowns. You can improve your smile using conservative measures. A dental crown offers this type of option. If you want to invest in your smile, you need to learn more about how you can benefit from adding a dental crown. Take time to carefully survey a website and find out why caps are a good dental investment.
Engineered Ceramic
Dental crowns that are made totally of ceramic are manufactured with an engineered ceramic or porcelain. These crowns are noted for their natural looks. Others are known for their stability. Unfortunately, ceramic crowns are not known for both characteristics of looks and stability.
PFM Dental Prosthetics
Porcelain fused to metal or PFM dental crowns represent a hybrid type of crown. These crowns are popular because they are strong and aesthetically pleasing to view. If you want to find out more about any type of crown, you should set up a consultation with a knowledgeable dentist.