Why Invisalign May Be Right for You

by | Jan 23, 2019 | Dentist

Straightening teeth used to involve an imposing rack of metal that literally overtook the entire appearance of your face. In recent decades, however, Invisalign has shown us that you can get straight teeth without having to resort to threatening hardware. Here is why many people, from teenagers, to older people, to celebrities, are choosing to use Invisalign.

They Are Completely Clear

Invisalign trays are transparent so they don’t detract from your regular smile. You can wear them without worrying that they will be the first things people see when they look at your face. This makes them feel like a more natural solution, as opposed to something that reinvents the landscape of the most important part of your body.

They Are Removable

With braces, you have to keep them in and form your life pattern around them. You must eat only certain things and clean them at certain times. This is inconvenient for many people who have braces. With Invisalign, you can just take them out and eat whatever you want. When done, you can easily brush your teeth and put them back in.

They Are Safer

If you have an active lifestyle, there is always the chance that you can get hit in the mouth area. This can occur from a flying soccer ball, an errant elbow from an innocent child, or the toppling contents of a tall bag of groceries. Mistakes and accidents happen all the time. With braces, an even slight blow to the mouth can cause the metal brackets to get driven into the insides of your mouth. This usually results in bleeding and damage to that soft tissue. This is a particularly tangible threat if someone is involved in sports. There is frequently contact to the mouth area—intentionally and otherwise—and braces will exacerbate the pain and cutting. Invisalign removes this troubling possibility. Because they have such a low profile, any impact to your mouth will have little to no extra damage as a result of having Invisalign over your teeth.

If you’d like to have your teeth straightened, you can rely on the services of Studio City Orthodontist. Any questions about Invisalign can be answered easily, and your various options can be custom fit for your particular needs. You get all the benefits of having a professional orthodontist as well as the most cutting edge dental solutions.

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