If you home is threatened with Foreclosure in Topeka KS, then you may find it a bit difficult to think about anything but the loss of your home. It can be overwhelming. However, you need to act fast for any hope to save your home. The longer that you wait to take action, the worse the situation can become for everyone involved.
When it comes to a Foreclosure in Topeka KS, the first step you should take is hiring legal help. Attorneys who work with foreclosures will help you figure out the right way to proceed with your situation and can also help to negotiate with your lender in order to avoid a less-than-desirable result of a foreclosure sale. The essential part of this is to hire an attorney as quickly as possible.
One of the first things that your attorney will do is help you understand the foreclosure process. They will also evaluate where in the process your situation is. The usual steps taken in a foreclosure case include:
* The lender attempts to contact you to discuss your late payments
* The lender sends a notice of default demanding payment
* The lender hires an attorney to file the foreclosure complaint
* You receive a copy of the complaint from the court, and you have 30 days to provide an answer
* The attorney for the lender files for default judgement
* The motion is granted, and an order of sale is given to the sheriff
* An appraisal for the value of the home is received by the Sheriff
* The sheriff advertises the public auction or foreclosure of your home
* The home is sold
* The sheriff can evict you
* A deficiency judgement for any difference is obtained by the lender
The fact is that the foreclosure process can be difficult and frustrating for homeowners. Having the help of an attorney can minimize this stress.
If you are in need of the services of a foreclosure attorney, then you should contact Business Name today. He can help you understand the process and take the proper steps to help you save your home. You should not attempt to face foreclosure on your own.