Why You Should Hire Criminal Defense Attorneys in Mesa AZ

by | Apr 27, 2015 | Law Services

Being charged with any crime is a traumatic experience, particularly for law-abiding citizens who unexpectedly find themselves in custody. To those unfamiliar with the criminal justice system, the process can be unnerving, dehumanizing and intimidating. Some people suffer severe mental stress even when they are confident of getting a favorable ruling from the court. Experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys in Mesa AZ can help you prove you are innocent. The lawyer will present you in court and defend you wisely.

Before you hire a criminal lawyer, it is important you understand the reason for your arrest. You need to inform your lawyer the particular reason for your arrest. This will help them to plan well for your case. There are three common types of criminal offenses handled by competent criminal defense lawyers. They include:

   *    Felonies: Felonies are the most serious types of criminal offenses that an individual can be charged with. Examples of crimes classified as felonies include murder, Driving Under Influence (DUI), robbery, and domestic violence.

   *    Misdemeanors: Misdemeanors offenses carry less severe punishments and are less serious than felonies. Examples of misdemeanors include vandalism, trespass, indecent exposure, assault, and theft.

   *    Infraction: Of the three categories, the infraction is the least serious offense. Usually, there is no jail term associated with an infraction; penalties include fines. Examples of infractions include speeding tickets, littering and jaywalking.

A competent criminal defense attorney from The Law Firm of Janet R. Feeley L.L.C. can help you fight for your rights the easy way. The lawyer has a deep understanding of both the state and federal criminal law. They will offer dependable legal advice, to help improve the outcome of your case.

When you hire an experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys in Mesa AZ, they will help you plan for the case. The lawyer will prepare the criminal pleadings by answering questions to the complaints and preparing documents prior to trial. On the day of the hearing, the lawyer will represent you well in court. They will examine all the witnesses that the prosecution has to offer and present reliable legal defenses.

There are many other reasons why it is important to hire Criminal Defense Attorneys in Mesa AZ. Remember to consider factors such experience, education, commitment, confidence and availability when hiring your criminal lawyer. For more information about criminal defense attorneys, please visit .

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