Your First Week In Los Angeles Residential Treatment

by | May 26, 2015 | Health Care

Being nervous, anxious and even frightened about attending a Los Angeles residential treatment center is perfectly normal. There are some things you can do to prepare yourself for what will happen, especially in the first week of the program.

While there are some differences in how each Los Angeles residential treatment operates, most have a fairly consistent approach to admitting each client and starting the treatment process.

Day One

Day one at the Los Angeles residential treatment facility will include an initial meeting with an intake staff member. This may be a person assigned to be your case manager, or it may be a counselor or therapist. There will also be a medical examination and history by a staff doctor.

The examination is completed to address any health concerns prior to starting detox. This is the most challenging part of your treatment but today there are non-addictive medications that can be provided to address the physical and mental symptoms of withdrawals.

Many programs will start clients, depending on when they are admitted, with counseling and group activities on the first day. This a great way to get into the structure of the Los Angeles residential treatment and to being to develop a positive framework for moving forward.

The Next Few Days

During the next few days in your Los Angeles residential treatment, you may have a real adjustment to make. Top programs provide structure and ongoing activities to help you to focus in on yourself and your treatment. For some adjusting to the schedule and routine may be a very different experience than they have during their addiction.

The structure is important, as are the specific activities and services you participate in at the Los Angeles residential treatment. Top programs have fun activities mixed with educational classes, process groups, and individual counseling sessions to provide entertainment and fun in an otherwise packed day.

You will be provided with opportunities to hike, spend time outdoors, help at the facility and to interact with others also going through treatment. Highly nutritious meals will be provided, which may also be a big adjustment for some people. Activities such as yoga, fitness training, and even music therapy can be a way to learn something new and to help you experience something new and learn more about yourself.

The more you are willing to be open and honest with yourself, staff and others in the Los Angeles residential treatment the more you will get out of the program. Choose a program that is a good match for your needs and make the commitment to yourself to see it through.

At Pax House, our Los Angeles residential treatment is based on best practices following the structure of the 12-Step program. We also offer a range of other therapeutic options, just visit us at website and see.

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